
It's Been a Long Time

 It's been a long time since I have tried my hand at blogging my thoughts or experiences.  Several years, in fact.  I think about writing a lot. I just don't follow through.  Follow through is something I need to work on so that I can do the things I want to do in life.   So today, I am starting again.  It may take a bit of time to get into the habit of putting my thoughts, ideas and experiences down either in a written journal or on a blog post.  I am going to work on that even through it has been a long time. 

Life Should Be More Than A To-Do List

I was listening to a webinar this morning and I heard these words "Life is not just a to-do list".  That was a WOW moment for me as I often treat life just like a to-do list.   What is on the agenda for today? Let me make a list of everything I need to get done today.  Step one, step two.  Check mark, check mark, check mark. I often find myself running around doing tons of things; some are necessary, some are just busyness, and some are just things I think I need to be involved in, whether true or not. So I found this idea that life is more than a to-do list very interesting.   After all, we live in a world that expects us to be super busy and on the go constantly.  We don't live in a world that values rest and relaxation and just doing nothing.  If you aren't accomplishing tasks, then what is the point? And then, over the last 10 days, life hit me right between the eyes.  My uncle, my daddy's only brother, went to the hospital and three days later he died

Brothers . . .

It's interesting because growing up I did not have any brothers, only a sister.  My sister and I were and are very close and I never felt like I was missing out on anything.  I wouldn't trade her for anybody else either!  She is the best sister a girl could ask for.   However . . . I discovered later in life the value of brothers.  My husband, Brian, was the youngest of three brothers and I used to hear all of these stories about how mean they were to him growing up and how they used to pick on him (although I have a feeling Brian would give as good as he got even back then); and all of the many trials and tribulations of being brothers.  Never having had brothers, I was amused by his stories and wondered how anyone could put up with them.    Brian and I met when I was 19 years old.  He was and is the love of  my life.  His family has become my family.  His two older brothers became my brothers.  Now before I get all sappy on you, believe me when I say it has not been a

Note From My Journal - September 30, 2012

It's Sunday morning (September 30, 2012).  I am sitting at the beach on the deck listening to the ocean and reading and reflecting on the Word of God.  It's been an interesting week this past week.  So many things have happened; so many things are changing.  However, one thing does not and that is the Word of God.  What He has said to me this morning is the truth - I can only live today and He will take care of me today.  I can trust Him to be here today and in the eternal life.  He is already there.  It makes me think of my mother.  She is not long for this earth.  I'm sad about that; but I trust that God is with her and that He will lead her, in His time, to His place to be with Him.  I can only believe that He has a plan for her; that there is a reason all of this has happened. I feel as though God left her here these past months so me and my sister could have time (to heal past hurts; to see her be the open, expressive mother we wanted-although she was some times too mu


It had been a long while since I sat down to write; but on this particular day I felt as though I would explode with all of the images in my head and the memories I wanted to get down on paper.  My mother had just passed away and it was the day of her funeral.  I spent the morning crying to the music we had picked out for the service and I began to write.  At first it was just a jumble of memories coming out.  It was free hand with no thought or purpose to what I was writing.  The memories, good and bad, were taking me to through the grieving process.  It was painful and yet at the same time, it was exactly what I needed.  Seeing in writing my thoughts about my mother made me realize just what she meant to my life.  I decided to organize my thoughts on paper as a memorial to my mom and share what was on my heart at her funeral service. Mom was special and she was someone who had suffered many heartaches over the years and especially in the last year of her life.  In July of 2011, she